So, I took these pictures of Z in the late fall . Since then, I've taken her one-year pictures. I'm pretty far behind in posting. But, i plan to make up for it this winter in the slower months. I have so much stuff to post. I can't wait to share it all! For this particular shoot, we started READ MORE
Caitlin and Matthew are getting married next weekend. . .
and I can't wait! Here are a few images from their engagement session from last summer. READ MORE
Winter Newborn
Now, it's time to catch up on some of the posts that I've lagged on. First I'm going to start with a newborn session that was taken in late November. We lucked out with fairly warm weather so we were able to venture outdoors. During the shoot, mom and I got into talking and we realized that we READ MORE
After months of daydreaming about having a brand new blog with nice big pictures, I finally took the ideas that were sitting in my brain and came up with this! My new and improved blog! I am so excited to finally share it with everyone! A huge “thanks” goes out to my husband for making this READ MORE